A New Body of Work
I’ve decided to use work from the past that was destined to be discarded, and repurpose old canvases.
I’m bringing together old dry point prints / monoprints / writing and drawings.
There are many pieces that had discarded and decided not to frame or sell. However, I’ve surprised myself when looking afresh, how good I feel many are and how critical I have been of myself and of my work!
I spent many years as a printmaker, buying my own press and exhibiting at
Spike Island Printmaking Studio in Bristol.
Much of my work has been about exploring techniques and surfaces,
always with a strong mixed media component.
As well as bringing my own history into the work, I am interested in exploring the history of the landscape that is less visible. I have arranged the canvases like a vertical cross section through the land, showing the artefacts and evidence of human history in the soil.
Although this work is in the early stages, I’m interested in using materials that reflect the evidence of human disconnection with the land, showing the materials that go into landfill. I will also be using word and texts to represent the experiences, memories, and desires of the humans that have lived in the landscape, including my own.